The 2nd partnership meeting was held as part of a project funded through the ITU mechanism

Activities under the project Development and support for the development of sustainable employment models for vulnerable groups in the Urban area of ​​Pula continue. On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, the second partnership meeting was held in the premises of the Association of the Blind of the Istrian County. The meeting was attended by all partner organizations as follows: the Association of the Blind of Istria, the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Istria, the Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities of Istria, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Istria and the Association of Cerebral Palsy of Istria.

At the meeting, the partners were introduced to what has been done so far in terms of project activities. Individual counselling of vulnerable groups has been completed and further steps are being taken towards the further education that will make them more competitive for further entry into the labour market that awaits them. In addition, the works of adapting the space of the partner associations are coming to an end, which means that the project activities will be able to be further maintained in the premises of all other partner organizations. On the other hand, an Employer Access Program is being developed that will include mapped employers showing a willingness to employ vulnerable people with disabilities and thus fulfil their duties under the law. (Quota employers are employers who employ at least 20 workers, and the quota obligation can be fulfilled by employing people with disabilities, using a replacement quota, paying cash benefits for not employing people with disabilities, or a combination of these.) Some of these employers will attend networking with vulnerable people. groups that will serve to better get to know and facilitate the connection of employers and potential employees, people with disabilities. Furthermore, the initial conference of the project will soon follow, at which the idea and plan of activities for the project will be presented to the general public. In addition, active work is being done to include vulnerable groups that are not members of partner associations in order to maximize the impact of project activities, as well as the number of employees with disabilities through this project.

See more about the project here