The expert meeting was held on Monday, July 12 this year on the premises of the Association of the Blind of the Istrian County. The meeting was attended by all partner organizations (Association of the Blind of Istria County, Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Istria County, Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities of Istria, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Istria County and Cerebral Palsy Association of Istria County) and Danijela Maružin in the role of an expert related to the initial phase activities project. It is precisely at this stage that all partners gather people with disabilities who have the desire and opportunity for employment. This process consists of a detailed examination of possibilities, needs, wishes and other specifics related to the merger with future employers. In this process, along with the experience of the partners, D. Maružin also contributed to the constructive discussion and creation of the initial questionnaire for examining the needs of people with disabilities. In addition to the above, mapping of employers who will employ vulnerable groups is underway. In addition to the professional elements at the meeting, coordination of the project was agreed upon in more detail and a work process was established that will contribute to the quality and timely implementation of the project.