A sheltered workshop is an institution or company that provides sheltered jobs for people with disabilities who are found by the findings and opinion of the Center for Vocational Rehabilitation (hereinafter: the findings and opinion of the centre) to be employable only in sheltered jobs because of their disability can achieve from 30% to 70% of the expected work efficiency. The shelter must have at least 5 employees, and at least 51% of the total number of employees must be persons with disabilities employed in sheltered jobs.
Protective employment is the employment of a person with a disability in the workplace and in a work environment that is adapted to the working abilities and needs of a person with a disability who is not employable in the usual workplace. Protective jobs can also be provided in an integrative workshop.
Based on the referral of the centre for professional rehabilitation, the sheltered workshop can accept rehabilitators who are in the process of professional rehabilitation. The number of employees of the shelter who are not persons with disabilities employed in sheltered workplaces together with the number of rehabilitators in practice may not exceed the number of persons with disabilities employed in sheltered workplaces.