On Monday, July 4 this year, the first training session for work assistants/mentors took place on the premises of the Blind Association of Istrian County. The participants had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the program that awaits them, based on the Manual for work assistants. After the initial introduction, the lecturer Danijela Kasumović Maružin did interactive exercises with the group and continued her work in the direction of sensitizing the participants to the role of work assistant for people belonging to vulnerable groups. They learned more about the specifics they can expect in this process, and tools that are useful when working with people with disabilities were presented. Through the following meetings, the participants will continue to work on acquiring knowledge and skills in order to become successful work assistants.
If you want to join the education for work assistants/mentors, feel free to contact us by e-mail: zaklada@civilnodrustvo-istra.hr